Thursday 26 January 2017

Massive Fraud as Millions of Canadian Tax dollars go missing in Afghanistan

Much of this Money has gone missing .... “The World Bank is now leading an investigation into what has happened with this money ..."

Recently Trudeau increased the amount to $465 million in aid over three years for projects in Afghanistan.

 According to the most recent figures from Global Affairs, Canada has disbursed about $2.57 billion in total aid ... and much of this money has gone missing.
Fears that the international community, including Canadian taxpayers, might have paid millions to fund nonexistent students, teachers and schools also adds to the complexity of reconstruction efforts.

A report by the U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) gave credence to reports of “ghost students, teachers and schools.” "Canada is currently undertaking the necessary due diligence to ensure that in the event that Canada’s funds have been misappropriated, that such funds are recovered and that the guilty parties are held to account,” said Jessica Séguin, a spokeswoman for Global Affairs Canada, in an email to the Citizen.

Afghanistan’s ambassador to Canada, Shinkai Karokhail, was not immediately available for comment, but a spokesman said the National Unity Government led by President Ashraf Ghani was determined to get to the bottom of it.
“Our government has taken the allegations seriously and the issue is under review,” said Khalid Khosraw, a spokesman for the Embassy of Afghanistan in Ottawa, in an email to the Citizen.

“I am not planning to make any changes to this commitment,” Bibeau said pending the outcome of the World Bank’s investigation.


  1. OK, Now this is Truly FUBAR. Canada is screwed.

  2. RCMP needs to Investigate. Did this go to the Agha Kahn Schools in Afghanistan ?

    1. RCMP is run by Trudeau, no help there.

  3. It would not surprise me one bit if it where true! This type of nonsense must stop, we need leadership that has brains not an idiot!

    1. You are absolutely right. He is a Idiot in my opinion too

  4. I think a private Island is worth about that much 3 billion...

  5. This is an outrage. How about looking at the former PM and Premiers. Do not tell me that they live like kings and queens pushing their food efforts as a means to pay their coffers.This is sickening to see these ballooned idiots pretending to be so caring while a good deal of theft and rampant dictatorship is plausible. Why do we the people give to them when they only keep for themselves??????

    1. Former PM?? This happened since JT came in office. As for former Premiers, we in Ontario have been under liberal reign for almost 16 yrs!!!

    2. doesn't sound like he kept it for himself!

  6. Have they looked into the Trudeau fund, Justin is capable of anything corrupt, all of Canada knows that , including the Governor General, yet he refuses to act upon it

    1. Lol it was Harper that gave the billions over time, get educated people

    2. Lol it was Harper that gave the billions over time, get educated people

    3. I am educated, are you? And even if Trudeau doesn't have direct involvement in this, his 1 billion foreign aid investment in Syria, involvement with Khan and Soros, his use of the Trudeau Foundation (like the Clinton Foundation), the unpopular settlement of 10 million settlement with a national traitor, and his plain lack of credentials and complete disconnect with the broad Canadian public should have you scratching your head. If you still support him, you're a fool. I'm sure I'm missing something here as well. Even his refusal to answer to the opposition in question period should have you questioning his transparency. You sound like a zealot masquerading as someone who has valid points.

  7. This is a total DISGRACE, get that boy's TAX payers credit card, take he's daddy's trust fund and fire him. NO SALARY NO GOLDEN PENSION.

  8. This funding was started in the 8 years preceding Trudeau's ....
    What was Mr Harper doing to ensure the funds were going where they were supposed to ?

  9. According to the most recent figures from Global Affairs, Canada has disbursed about $2.57 billion in total aid from 2001 to 2015.This funding was ALL in Harpers time as Prime Minister.

    Trudeau said he would continue with foreign aid to 3Rd world countries. ...

    1. Didn't Harper come into power in 2009? Someone get the specifics correct. The Liberals were screwing this country long before Harper came to the scene.

    2. Hahaha love how they call it foreign aid.....bullshit they can call it what ever they want how about aid for OUR Canadians first! And excuse to take more of Canadiand hard earned money!

  10. Trudeau runs this country backwords i read in the new paper the people from Fort MacMurray sleeping in gymnasiums while these Syrian refugees are sleeping at the Howard Johnson on tax payers dollars the people from Canada that have paid taxes all there life should have been treated better than some terrorist organization fresh offthe boat he sends money to these other countries help your own country first they have starving people there are people here starving this is my oppinion but like i tell everyone else oppinions are like ass holes

    1. Fort McMurray is one of the most expensive places to live because of the high wages. Oil you know? Refugees are not staying anywhere near there.
      Then there was a fire there and people were sleeping in gymnasiums because they were evacuated from their homes. Nothing to do with refugees! Know the facts before you post crazy shit like this.

    2. Harper gave the billions not Trudeau geez it was in 3 payments. Nice for people to blame the wrong pm

    3. I fully agree with you on this. Where is the money that was promised to match the red cross donations. Pulled back by Liberals and Let's not forget NDP which in their own way is killing Alberta.. the title says anonymous But I could care less Ron Culbert..Proud of my Country disgusted with its government.

    4. If the refugees are no where near Fort Mac then why is there 10,000 more muzlims there ?? Also I believe Harper is just as crooked as the rest of them libtards or conservatives !!

    5. A Rogue Alice Did you Not know about the Largest Mosque in America being built right here in Good Old Fort Mac It has everything to do with Refugees Look it up + Canadians should Not be sleeping on the Street while Refugees are in Hotels with all meals paid for while still receiving their welfate payments where do you think all their Money is going when their Not paying for their stay ????

    6. The "refugees" who've never paid a dime in taxes in this country are staying in the Marriott and the Radisson, getting free dental work, and are eligible for $25K in startup costs, while homeless veterans are asking for more than the liberals can give, paid taxes here their whole lives and sleeping on the street. Something is wrong with this picture.

    7. I understand what your saying even if others do not the ones in the Hotels should be the ones in the gym and actual citizens should be the ones enjoying the rooms.
      Sounds like some of your these people need to take some Canadian pride and worry about there own families and countrymen before trying to save the rest of the world.

  11. I am over 70 and witness since over 50 years the same stories: Money is sent to deserving Nations. Good. But: most of these deserving Nations have also «deserving» politicians, warlords, bankgsters and a lot of such creepy dishumans. Add a proper amount of Go-Between agents from the payers who have big open hands.
    This just does not work. And I can simply not understand Governments who continue this style of financing the criminals of all levels. From my point of view this is also a crime on all taxpayers, as their hard earned money is actually just about destroyed.
    However, there IS a solution: Support only project per project. Your Embassies and Consulats in Situ are usually well manned to oversee such project and can at least stop these crimes. The people then really get their water supply or their schools.The additional money that costs is more than offset by less waste into the pockets of the criminals.

    1. exactly. development of infrastructure and education overseas are important commitments of a global power like Canada and ultimately pay rewards exponential to their costs. but have some oversight................employ our own people to ensure the projects are legit

    2. I support this comment and I think finger pointing and infighting is futile. Our politicians are flawed, inevitably, but we can have functional policies to avoid such gross financial mismanagement.

    3. It's a whole different world there nothing happens without alot of tribal leaders getting paid along the way. Unless Canada plans on sending war fighters to ensure the proper spending of there money and construction of there funded projects it will never happen. That money was gone as soon as they sent it. I wouldn't be surprised if they find kick backs to government officials when there done.

  12. His father started it!

  13. Hahahahaha. You really think the Liberals gave them $2.5 billion in one year? It says right in the article that Trudeau increased the funding to $465 million over 3 years. So it looks like it was the Harper government that gave them over $2.3 billion.

  14. it sounds like it wasn't only Canada that got hit

  15. oh come one!! he is trying to do good here. i sounds like cancda arn't the only ones who got cheated.

  16. muslim!!!! you need to get your facts strait!

  17. Ugh - the 2.57 billion would have been before he became the Prime Minister....

  18. I was in Afghanistan in 2009 leading a team of locals to train Ministry Internal Auditors in fighting corruption. We were told of so many existing corruption cases that the contractor I worked for shut down my training group because locals affiliated with some of the corruptees were complaining about our knowledge. That was the Bank of Kabul. Canada is foolish to think their money isn't being diverted. The entire country relies on bribery, so any progress reports you get, unless from SIGAR (who I know) are suspect. Don't rely on World Bank or others. They wink and avoid finding the real truth.

  19. Harper started the funding. For 8 years... do you think he did any due diligence? Just love how everyone jumps on Trudeau.

  20. Good lord. Didn't you understand the article? It started from 8 years before Trudeau. Under Harper. Can we send Harper to prison please.

  21. Sorry, but the people of Fort MacMurray were in a way refugees. They were forced from their homes due to an imminent danger. They certainly weren't put up in motels and given money for months until it was safe to go back. Canadians should come first. I guess that I agree with Trump when he says, "America First". As a Canadian, I say, "Canada First". I actually don't care if you agree with me or not. I am to a point where I am tired of being politically correct.

  22. Well, I didn't know we had that much money to go around. Sure am glad we don't have any homelessness, healthcare funding shortfalls, unemployed Canadians or crumbling infrastructure that could use Canadians' hard earned tax dollars. We must be in fantastic condition.

  23. How about just STOPPING foreign aid all together.. keep OUR money in OUR country to help OUR ppl. Let other contre worry about themselves.. ass for the refugees why don't they stay home and fight for their OWN country.

  24. How about just STOPPING foreign aid all together.. keep OUR money in OUR country to help OUR ppl. Let other contries worry about themselves.. as for the refugees why don't they stay home and fight for their OWN country

  25. The ignorance of people unwilling to look at an entire story is becoming very tiresome. This program started in 2002 and continued under Harper. $117.2 million has gone since 2002... Harper continued it so stop Harping on Trudeau like it's his mistake!

  26. In fact, it's eerie how much Canadians are starting to sound like the ignorant amongst the Americans that we claim to contrast so much.

  27. Exactly it was Harper that gave billions

  28. Geez get educated Harper not Trudeau gave billions

  29. Really? Trudeau didn't do this get educated it was Harper

  30. Really? Trudeau didn't do this get educated it was Harper

  31. Justin Trudeau hasn't been in office long enough to have arranged the dealings for this "spending". His predecessors are the ones who need to be held accountable. Justin Trudeau is working to clear it up. That's why it's all coming into the forefront of our daily news casts. During Pierre Trudeau's reign Canada was strong and we will become stronger once Justin Trudeau cleans up the problems he inherited from his predecessor when he took office. At least we have a leader now who is looking into, working on and clearing up the mess of those who came before him. Give him a chance and stop the false accusations.

  32. Justin Trudeau hasn't been in office long enough to have arranged the dealings for this "spending". His predecessors are the ones who need to be held accountable. Justin Trudeau is working to clear it up. That's why it's all coming into the forefront of our daily news casts. During Pierre Trudeau's reign Canada was strong and we will become stronger once Justin Trudeau cleans up the problems he inherited from his predecessor when he took office. At least we have a leader now who is looking into, working on and clearing up the mess of those who came before him. Give him a chance and stop the false accusations.

  33. Crooks cheats and smoke and mirrors.

  34. Anyone that supports trudeau is a fucking idiot. He has done nothing but run this proud country and its citizen into the ground, increase taxes repeatedly, carbon tax, green energy, and electricity rates, and unwanted immigration to this country. His doesn't care about Canadians at all. He is and will destroy Canada to improve his position to the UN. He is an out right traitor to Canada, is corrupt, scandalous, and is guilty of so many treasonous acts in his short career, he short be in prison for life, or evicted from country permanently. Only people he cares about now are the muslims, as he swore his allegiance to them, and on an daily basis is destroying this country, forcing Canadian to accept unwarranted dangers, threats and responsibility. He needs to focus Canadian money on Canadian issues, stop giving our money to other countries to waste. Fix our home first. Do you really think any of these counties would return the favor, not on your life ! We will find out soon enough, as if he stays in power, Canada will be a third world nation before he is done. Complete waste of skin....

  35. Bunch of crooks. Trump is right, lets concentrate on our people before all. We have people here in need of care, left in the streets and abandoned.

  36. Maggie Greenshields Goethals You are an under educated and clueless You can't even spell his name This happened under Harper Not Trudeau That is the proper spelling by the way

  37. Yes Canadian taxpayers money why don't they put it in our own schools here that amount is ridiculous. The teachers here have to take pay cuts school fees on the rise crazy tuition fees and such aND the government is sending all that money to Afghanistan?? And now we find out its fraudulent LOL what a joke I have never been so embarrassed to call my self a Canadian we have a leader who is useless,smug,arrogant and who cares more for other countries than his own!! A drama teacher that lies his way into his position and is ruining our awesome country allowing more immigrants and more refugees with open arms throwing handfuls of money with free health care education, income support and housing access to our depleted food banks. I thought when people immigrate they had to have enough money to survive for a year?? So why are we giving all this money away when there are canadians that could really use these funds there are people living in poverty barely making enough money to send their kids to school or proper health care, to have a safe home to live in. What about our homeless?? What about our vets? What about the seniors?
    Stop all this foreign aid bullshit and take care of the taxpayers that pay this money to the government. Stop mishandling OUR MONEY and start focusing on making canada great again!!

  38. I agree 100% with the comments keep the money here in Canada. It is our tax dollars and there are plenty of usefull ways to spend it right here in Canada.let other countries look after themselves our Taxes should not be going to help other countries till all our own problems are taken care of!!!!

  39. Can anyone post true information as to how much the Harper Gov't gave and how much of that is accounted for? We already know that about $500million came from Trudeau's gov't and I believe that was his second donation, completely wasted.

  40. The 2.57B was disbursed pre-Justin Trudeau - so do your homework people. Geez!

  41. Trudeau either is so far removed from how WE the people feelor he doesn't care. I'm really not sure which it is but the result is the same. We are in big trouble.

  42. Why not take care of Canadians first. Mercury is still leaking in WhìteDoģ . You are allowing pipelines to be built in our country and approved franking when Oklahoma is a prime example of the consequences. None of your campaign promises have been met . Cannabis legalization got yòu in but you lost that support especially since so many people charged and dispensary closed.

  43. In the famous words of your father "of fùddle Duddle

  44. I totally agree with this statement: that There just seems to be no end to the stupidity and lack of honesty and integrity with this Liberal government. They are nothing less than a criminal organization led by Trudeau. The British Columbia Liberals are an exact mould! Lord Help Us!!!

  45. Canada has their own version of Obama through Trudeau. Nice going, voters! Please, use your head come 2019 - don't let this guy go another four years ruining this nation, and our lives with it!

    1. Why wait till 2019. Tar and feather the drama teacher now. Even if Harper DID create the problem, Why did the puppet contribute more? Ontarions are being screwed up the wazoo,and just keep complaining.They,(Political Criminals) keep taking more of our money, & giving it to foreigners.TAKE CARE OF CANADIANS FIRST.then help others.We should be able to REMOVE ANY POLITICIAN from office,if we know that they're NOT PERFORMING IN OUR BEST INTERESTS.

  46. And you trust the world bank? Look at the mortgage scandal. Did any of them come to prosecution? Look at how they control our every move and our governments. This system has to go it is as corrupt as the day is long.

  47. Piere trudeau is the one that screwed up Canada first he put us so far in debt we've been climbing out ever since now jr trudeau is following in his steps and redigging the hole .... This money was from the trudeau party not harper get your facts

  48. And im sorry but liberals are bankrupting hard working families here to send money to help children there so they are literally taking food from kids here to give food to kids there

  49. I do believe the Liberal government is involved in a whole lot of criminal activity, Justin Trudeau is bought and paid for, by none other than George Soros. Trudeau follow's what his puppet master lay's out for him to do, just as all the corrupt Soros puppet's do.

  50. the money could be at Trudeau good friend Aka Khan at the Khan Fondation . The muslum philantropist his nown for vacations kickbacks possibilities.

  51. Okay, this quoted sentence..."According to the most recent figures from Global Affairs, Canada has disbursed about $2.57 billion in total aid from 2001 to 2015." is not only on Harper and Trudeau. Jean Chrétien (November 4, 1993 to
    December 11/12, 2003) and Paul Martin (December 12, 2003 to
    February 5/6, 2006) were the first two PM's.

    Chretien - A major issue for the first Chrétien government was the large national debt that had been inherited from the Trudeau and Mulroney eras.
    November 22, 2000, Chrétien gave a speech in New Brunswick which in which he implied that people from Alberta were not quite normal, saying: "I like to do politics with people from the East. Joe Clark and Stockwell Day are from Alberta. They are a different type".

    Martin - June 2002, Martin was dismissed from the cabinet as Minister of Finance
    Canada had one of the highest annual deficits of the G7 countries. In his debut as finance minister, Martin made huge budget cuts that almost ground economic growth to a halt, scaling down government to 1951 levels. In the period from 1994–1996, when these cuts were made, economic growth was reduced by 3.5 percentage points, according to a study by CIBC-Wood Gundy. The resulting loss in tax revenue almost eliminated the savings made by the cuts and turned the economy away from the public sector towards the private sector. His policy of cuts endangered the provinces' abilities to pay for social programs, health care, and public infrastructure.
    Many of the agencies had Liberal ties, and roughly $100 million of the $250 million in program spending went missing.

    FOR HARPER AND TRUDEAU (click on this link, as it has the info I researched myself) It was over a year ago, but shows the gist of Harper's to Trudeau's government.

    PLUS Harper did things that he promised, no not all his promises, but more than a lot of previous PM's, for example, he lowered the GST from 7% to 5%. Tried to spend more money on Canada while helping out other countries in need. Trudeau is the opposite.

    1. I couldn't write all the info I wanted to because I had over the limit of characters. It's actually quite easy to find the info on our PM's.

  52. I find it difficult to believe that in the last bi elections in Ontario that Liberals were able to retain there seats. Do you the people of Ontario have blinders on or unable to read. Trudeau is dismantling this country brick by brick and you continue to support him. I ask you why. Are you supporting him only possibly because your parents did and you are unable to make a decision on your own. Trudeau is corrupt, a liar, and as of late a dictator.He will bankrupt our country. Trudeau has divided this country like no other PM before him. What is it you possibly like about this man and his leadership. Please tell us.

  53. Ontario is the base of Liberal stronghold without a doubt. If you want Trudeau please, he is yours. Between your Premier and Trudeau you could possibly last a year prior to total bankruptcy. Both leader are not qualified for the posts they have. George Soros and Trudeau have there own personal mandate and Ontario that does not include you or any other province in Can. Corrupt, yes there all corrupt. Liars, well how can you deny that Trudeau is not a Liar. Dictator, nor can you deny that. Good luck Ontario with your Liberal stronghold.

  54. doesent seem to matter what aid organization charity or research funding someone is skimming it should give pause to everyone

  55. As Canadians, we point fingers at each other instead of realizing that politicians, once elected tend to be corrupted by our system. We need to demand a CANADA FIRST clause in the constitution. No money or resources to other countries until our own people's needs are met. Until we learn to take care of our own, politicians divide and conquer policy enable them to avoid accountability.

  56. pas parce que sa commencer avec harper que l,on ne peut dénoncer l,imbécile a trudeau si il est si fin qu,il arrete de gaspiller comme il fait depuis son mandat accorder par des aveugles.

  57. Whether you like it or not.Canadians are working to pay for the plush lifestyles of Trudeau/Soros & ALL POLITICIANS. This is why WE THE PEOPLE should be able to RECALL THEM OUT OF OFFICE. We are also working to support foreign interests who "MISPLACE" OUR MONEY. Trudeau is not running this country,GEORGE SOROS IS.

  58. You can't put the blame on Ontario, for 150 years Canadians have been voting for the same old, same old, expecting different results. Total insanity!

  59. such most important issue about Massive Fraud as Millions of Canadian Tax dollars go missing in Afghanistan. thanks for bring this type of news.

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  61. Look for a Charity Foundation in Trudeau's name.Worked for Hillary.

  62. Any good detective would tell you to follow the money. Unfortunately following the money to a totally corrupted country is tough, to say the least. I wouldn't be surprised that the liberals and past governments have been duped by many of these Middle Eastern countries, it's just their way of doing business and it's been known for generations that corruption is rampant and almost considered normal business practice.
    Nor would I be surprised if it were discovered that millions were kicked back to the Trudeau Foundation or the Liberal party.
    Government is SUPPOSED to serve the people, and today's politicians have long forgotten that basic principle

  63. really important issue to aware in foreign affairs between Massive Fraud as Millions of Canadian Tax dollars go missing in Afghanistan.

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  65. This is totally disgusting charity begins at home These politicians are the scum of the planet Pure Evil !!!!

  66. Can we keep our money .There will be nobody to help us when the time comes.... And believe me the time will come...

  67. Sorry this is not a finger pointing post some wish it is ... sad Sometimes best to tell whole story. Aid Money gone miissing is from 40 some countries and Federal Govt of Canada since 2001 . distruted by the Word Bank Just a few boring facts ... but that is the facts. PS According to the most recent figures from Global Affairs, Canada has disbursed about $2.57 billion in total aid from 2001 to 2015.

  68. Isent it about time Canada looked after the Canadian needs
    We have people here such as our seniors and our veterans and our debt, that could have a better life if this money was spent here. Firstly, this is our money. And we should have been consulted as to where this money would have and should have been spent. This stupidity of how our money is being spent is getting to the point of being rediculouse. We are the tax payers are being used.this has to stop
    What have they done for us for this money. Trudeau has to stop marketing us as a bank. Canada has financial issues of our own we should be dealing with first.

  69. LOL, Typical Libtards defending their saviour Jihadi Justin. Always blaming Mr. Harper! It is always the guilty that start pointing fingers at others. Take ownership of your mistakes Libtards!!

  70. Blame Harper all you want but now that we know the money is getting diverted (stolen), Trudeau is still giving them 465 million. Now that's real bright.

  71. Aid money is managed by the World Bank, not the Canadian government. So regardless of whether you like Trudeau or Harper, you're looking for blame in the wrong place.


  73. Nov. 21, 2018 · In 2016, at the NATO summit in Warsaw, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau committed $465 million to Afghanistan, including $270 million for development assistance and $195 million for security support from 2017 to 2020.
    You would think you would do your homework on current funds distribution before you increase the spending. Trudeau wants favour with the UN, he doesn’t care about tax payers dollars.

  74. Trudeau is history , regardless of who did it he is History!

  75. If Canada is involved there will be corruption, it's the Canadian way. Canadians just deny it with self righteous indignation.

  76. Wake up readers, fake news at it's finest here, can you not see this group is attempting to influence the upcoming election! Canada like all wealthier countries has been doling out this kind of money to prop up umpteen nations for many decades. If the loss is true, the only thing this present day government is responsible for is either getting the money tracked or taking it off future payments. This group is setup to bash the present day government only, quit with the knee jerk reactions. Look at reliable news sources to confirm if there is an issue and explore what that actually is.

  77. First thing that came to my mind is he is trudeau is trying to cover this up before the next election.
    He has spend soo much in other countries since he was elected.
    I'm in Alberta this province needs to be divided from Canada.
    All the money here goes to Quebec and Ontaro as equalization payments so Trudeau can spend it.
    And he is against pipelines.
    When the economy is down we dont get the equalization payments from out east.
    Trudeau screwed Canada so bad that our kids and grandkids will have to pay for his mistakes.
    Harper had everything balanced out when he left.

    1. It's Harpers fault. If he hadn't lost the elections, none of this would have happened.

  78. Complete idiots in this feed. No understanding of political processes and underlying reasons. Do you guys think Canada is that stupid to just hand over money? This is part of a bigger game which they all are a part of. No one gives without receiving. Go educate yourselves people.

  79. Isn't it legal to resist a tyrannical government? Thought I read that somewhere. Maybe I was dreaming.

  80. Yes, the neo-libs appear (lots of evidence) to be just as bad as the neo-cons.

  81. To Hell with the blame game ! Let's just make sure we do not repeat the same mistakes.

  82. Why is Canada giving so much money away to foreign country meanwhiles citizens of Canada a homeless children hungry there are so many children that would like to attend University but because of the cost they can't why can't that money go into school on affordable living

  83. Canada has elderly people that worked their entire lives and built this nation, paying taxes their lifetime!! and now they get a pension that forces them to decide this winter on having either FOOD or HEAT, (they cannot afford both) meanwhile Justin and his liberal clowns send BILLIONS of your tax dollars to corrupt foreign countries! Corrupt agencies and countries that use your tax money to buy private jets, mansions, fancy cars, and guns! We have youth that can not afford their diabetic meds, we have Canadians that can not afford to get cancer treatments - and the government will not pay for it! - Instead, The liberals send the $7,000,000,000.00 ($7 Billion) to their connections in foreign countries! CANADA IS BROKEN! Canada is in very serious trouble!! ONLY CANADIANS CAN FIX THIS BY VOTING THE LIBERAL CLOWNS OUT!!! - it is time for Canadians to wake up!! FOOL CANADIANS ONCE.... SHAME ON THE LIBERALS!! FOOL CANADIANS TWICE... SHAME ON NIAEV CANADIANS!!

  84. Trudeau, has a proven record of lying, hypocrisy, manipulating, and racism. It’s all a matter of public record. The holidays he’s taken, the SC Lavalin debacle, the blackface shame X 3, firing any MP who doesn’t go along with whatever illegal scheme he comes up with, two highly polluting planes for his campaign- the only candidate to ever do that- yet he preaches climate change and green this and green that. You cannot believe a single word this man says. He has absolutely no qualifications to run a country. He’s a DRAMA teacher!! He put people into his cabinet, not because they were the best people to do the job, but purely because they were either female or ethnic. How the heck does that make sense? Never before in the history of our country have we ever been such a laughing stock. Late night talk shows MOCK us. Foreign media are talking about us, but not in a good way. All because of our PRIME MINISTER! We have lost the respect of the world, because of Justin Trudeau! Please tell me you can see this people! Our taxes are up. Justin has freely admitted that the country he most admires is China! Because of its GOVERNMENT!! He has said in interview that Quebecer’s are better because they are from Quebec! He is absolutely fine if he’s reading from a script. If he has to come up with an answer on his own? He either gets a horrible case of stumble mouth, or he SAYS WHAT HE REALLY THINKS!! Which is TERRIFYING!! Come on Canadians! Use those brains I know you have! Scheer may not be the messiah, but he’s better than THIS!

  85. Oh great. Now it going to cost millions to try and get it back not to mention find the culprits.

  86. If you voted for liberals consider This your problem.

  87. Liberals find out they cannot account for over $2.5 Billions just before elections. You'd have ot be an idiot or a leberal or both to deny that Trudeau and the liberals used that money to get re-elected (buying votes)

  88. Can someone shoot him already please ?

  89. One political party may not be better than the other. But Trudeau has to be the worst. All the bad shit everyone is complaining about. I guess we owe the blame on the people who voted for Trudeau. Thanks a hell of a lot. Trudeau should take down the mirrors in his washrooms. He has to start his day by looking at a idiot. This is:::::: My opinion.

  90. get rid of trudeau's puppet master and trudeau would be lost. better yet get rid of both of them.

  91. In reviewing the comments above, all I see is Tories blaming the Liberals and vice versa. Well folks, corruption has been seeping into government for years, to the point that there is little to no recovery from it. Every government on earth has been affected in varying degrees, many worse and some to a lesser degree than Canada, but the rats are leaving the sewers and taking up residence in the administration of nation's affairs. I wouldn't be surprised if this issue gets covered up along the line.

  92. Might of been started under Harper but you don't see Justin Trudeau stopping it do you?? Nope you can bet your ass he will give them more money, dont kid yourself Trudeau is a terrorist in his own right he doesn't give a shit about Canada or Canadians he should be put in prison!

  93. Wasn't he messed up with the Jeffrey Epstein case??? or involved

  94. I am currently a full time university student at 47 years old. I thought this was my oppertunity to get out, and finally make something of my life. I can barely afford to eat after rent and bills are paid. I am a born and raised Canadian and to hear that Mr. Dressup has allowed this to happen, funding imaginary students and teachers while I try to decide if its cup a noodles or a can of chick peas for supper tonight just makes me wanna give up and check out for good.

  95. I just would like to say...firstly , yes this is our money...and it SHOULD stay with Canadian's...foreign aid starts here FIRST...secondly if they are throwing our money away , then pay every person the age of 60 and over ALL OF OUR CPP that was contributed by US and Our EMPLOYERS in ONE lump sum ... I myself would LOVE ALL OF MY MONEY I CONTRIBUTED ALL THOSE YEARS and SO WOULD MANY OTHERS ...PASS THIS ALONG

  96. I agree. However this started, in ignorance, is not an issue. The issue is that Trudeau has had 4 plus years to figure it out. He is a man who knows very much about countries that are not his concern. So, IMHO, he knew all along what has been happening.What has he been doing for poor Canada??

  97. Ok listen this is only a foram were liberal and NDP can bash each other while trying to convince canadians who is doing a better job then the other. In short if you dont or cant read between the lines it to keep us Canadians bickering as well with each other while real problem are on serious rise such as homelessness and addictions the 2 biggest problems in our country. Look ok listen do you seriously believe evrything you read or see I could upload a picture of one thing that has no reason to be a story yet tell you a story behind it and you will believe it to be fact. Are we that stupid like drones or cattle. In my time listening and watching both government in power it doesnt matter who leads there all in it for one thing. ? WHO GOES TO SCHOOL FOR AS LONG AS A POLITICIAN. To chase a job that pays what $250,000. A year...really? Ita not about the paycheck it's about the kickbacks and the ability to dip into funds that we have no idea about. Look when J.C was in power 100,000,000went missing from the EI fund. not a word of it after the initial news swept under the rug week later hes done in office retired. We have serious problems as canadians problem 1.) Quit lieing to us and having us believe the slide of hand keeping our attention on thinking one thing so as we dont see what really is going on like our youth are falling victims to addiction and homelessness this mental illness is way out of control and it apparently up to us to stop the madness cause once again no one knows what to do.? Well first we recognize were wrong on handling it stop employing the wrong field of business to deal with it such as politicians gudges and such eg. You dont hire a carpenter to teach gymnastics to your child.. we get the right people on it like people with addiction that have been able to be clean for set amount of time councelers, doctors, and come up with a plan with full backing from the government and the people of canada stpp wasting our money chasing the usa model of imprisoning everyone ya are we stupid like really. We need to set the standard we are canadian and we do what is right not follow but lead. Decriminalize all drugs stop the battle that isnt doing anything but getting worse eg. At the fair you can play a game hit the mole his head pops up u hit it then two more pop up and so on get the drift. this needs to happen asap NOW..befor its beyond the control of losing all control. I have spoken I'm standing up for this will you speak and join me to lead this country to a stronger future. Then find your place and speak for those who can make things happen if you dont your the problem we will find you in your disagreement and you will and shall be held accountable for sturdiness so let get SMART. THANK YOU. ANTHONY

  98. Ok listen this is only a foram were liberal and NDP can bash each other while trying to convince canadians who is doing a better job then the other. In short if you dont or cant read between the lines it to keep us Canadians bickering as well with each other while real problem are on serious rise such as homelessness and addictions the 2 biggest problems in our country. Look ok listen do you seriously believe evrything you read or see I could upload a picture of one thing that has no reason to be a story yet tell you a story behind it and you will believe it to be fact. Are we that stupid like drones or cattle. In my time listening and watching both government in power it doesnt matter who leads there all in it for one thing. ? WHO GOES TO SCHOOL FOR AS LONG AS A POLITICIAN. To chase a job that pays what $250,000. A year...really? Ita not about the paycheck it's about the kickbacks and the ability to dip into funds that we have no idea about. Look when J.C was in power 100,000,000went missing from the EI fund. not a word of it after the initial news swept under the rug week later hes done in office retired. We have serious problems as canadians problem 1.) Quit lieing to us and having us believe the slide of hand keeping our attention on thinking one thing so as we dont see what really is going on like our youth are falling victims to addiction and homelessness this mental illness is way out of control and it apparently up to us to stop the madness cause once again no one knows what to do.? Well first we recognize were wrong on handling it stop employing the wrong field of business to deal with it such as politicians gudges and such eg. You dont hire a carpenter to teach gymnastics to your child.. we get the right people on it like people with addiction that have been able to be clean for set amount of time councelers, doctors, and come up with a plan with full backing from the government and the people of canada stpp wasting our money chasing the usa model of imprisoning everyone ya are we stupid like really. We need to set the standard we are canadian and we do what is right not follow but lead. Decriminalize all drugs stop the battle that isnt doing anything but getting worse eg. At the fair you can play a game hit the mole his head pops up u hit it then two more pop up and so on get the drift. this needs to happen asap NOW..befor its beyond the control of losing all control. I have spoken I'm standing up for this will you speak and join me to lead this country to a stronger future. Then find your place and speak for those who can make things happen if you dont your the problem we will find you in your disagreement and you will and shall be held accountable for sturdiness so let get SMART. THANK YOU. ANTHONY

  99. Yes. Epstein held his date down

  100. Not sure when this is going to end. I could go for another federal election.

  101. Do your research...this was 2014,under Harper's watch
